Section 504

What is Section 504? 29 USC 794,34 CFR 104.1 A civil rights law that protects the rights of individuals with disabilities as adequately as compared to non-disabled peers Section 504 does not provide funds for a program (where an IEP may)

Selected Initial option

  1. Identification
    A parent, teacher, counselor, or administrator identifies the concern.
  2. Referral
    Initiator completes and submits the Section 504 Referral Form
    to the 504 Coordinator/Designee.
  3. Teacher/Staff Feedback
    Using the Section 504 Feedback Form
    , 504 Coordinator/Design obtains strengths/concerns and identifies appropriate accommodations from all staff members who come in contact with the student and are in a position to provide meaningful feedback.
  4. Pre-Meeting
    504 Team promptly meets to review data, plan any necessary assessments, and assign responsibilities for administering assessments.
  5. Assessment
    Team members assigned at Pre-Meeting conduct necessary assessments.
  6. Scheduling the Initial 504 Meeting
    Once assessments have been completed, the 504 Coordinator/Designee uses the Notice of Section 504 Meeting and Section 504 Parent/Guardian Rights and Procedural Safeguards
    to invite the parent(s)/guardian(s) to the 504 Initial 504 Meeting and inform the parent/guardian of rights and procedural safeguards.
  7. 504 Meeting/Creating an Initial 504 Plan
    At the scheduled meeting, the 504 Team analyzes the assessment data, determines eligibility, and (if student is eligible) develops reasonable accomodations. The 504 Coordinator/Designee will then Create Initial 504 Plan
    during the meeting. As indicated in the linked procedure, the 504 Coordinator/Designee prints the plan, obtains signatures of all attendees, and provides parent/guardian a copy of the signed plan.
  8. Filing the 504 Plan
    The 504 Coordinator/Designee files the original signed copy in the student cumulative file (cum) within purple folder W26-0603.
  9. Implementing the 504 Plan (if student eligible)
    The 504 Coordinator/Designee advises all staff members who come in contact with the student that the student has a 504 Plan, and the 504 Coordinator/Designee provides them a copy of the plan. Teachers and anyone else who has Illuminate access to the student’s data can find the 504 Plan on the student’s Illuminate profile page.
Selected Annual Review option

  1. Teacher/Staff Feedback
    Using the Section 504 Feedback Form
    , 504 Coordinator/Design obtains strengths/concerns and identifies appropriate accommodations from all staff members who come in contact with the student and are in a position to provide meaningful feedback.
  2. Pre-Meeting
    504 Team promptly meets to review data, plan any necessary assessments, and assign responsibilities for administering assessments.
  3. Assessment
    Team members assigned at Pre-Meeting conduct necessary assessments.
  4. Scheduling the 504 Annual Review
    Once assessments have been completed, the 504 Coordinator/Designee uses the Notice of Section 504 Meeting and Section 504 Parent/Guardian Rights and Procedural Safeguards
    to invite the parent/guardian to the 504 Annual Review and inform the parent/guardian of rights and procedural safeguards.
  5. 504 Meeting/Revising the 504 Plan
    At the scheduled meeting, the 504 Team analyzes the assessment data, determines eligibility, and (if student is eligible) develops reasonable accommodations. The 504 Coordinator/Designee will then revise 504 Plan
    during the meeting. As indicated in the linked procedure, the 504 Coordinator/Designee prints the plan, obtains signatures for all attendees, and provides parent/guardian a copy of the signed plan.
  6. Filing the 504 Plan
    The 504 Coordinator/Designee files the original signed copy in the student cumulative file (cum) within purple folder W26-0603.
  7. Implementing the Revised 504 Plan (if student remains eligible for a 504 Plan)
    The 504 Coordinator/Designee files the original signed copy in the student cumulative file (cum) within purple folder W26-0603.
  8. Implementing the 504 Plan (if student remains eligible for a 504 Plan)
    The 504 Coordinator/Designee advises all staff members who come in contact with the student that the student’s 504 Plan has been revised, and 504 Coordinator/Designee provides them a copy of the revised plan. Teachers and anyone else who has Illuminate access to the student’s data can find the revised 504 Plan on the student’s Illuminate profile page.

Toolkit Links

Section 504 Parent Information (public facing web page under Student Support Services) 
Section 504 Referral Form

Notice of Section 504 Meeting and Section 504 Parent/Guardian Rights and Procedural Safeguards
Section 504 Feedback Form
Manifestation Determination Review Form 
Section 504 Presentation